View Full Version : More accident deaths on highways

08-31-2009, 04:00 PM
If you were to ask drivers about the dangers of using the nation's highways, the answers are almost identical: poor signage, poor pavement and poor lighting. And if you asked the transit authorities, they would point out careless and reckless driving by drivers and their lack of respect for the laws and norms of good driving.
Both would be right, as El Caribe reported on Saturday, in an analysis of the more accident-prone highways.
The Duarte Highway has big potholes, dangerous curves and few signs warning of dangers. The Director General of Ground Transportation (DGTT) points out that there are 52 critical points along the highway, especially at Kilometers 14,15,17,40,43,60, and 68 where as many as 7 fatal accidents occurred last year.
El Caribe says that long-time drivers know where the bad spots are and can avoid them in time, but the speeding infrequent users are often surprised by the deteriorated roadway and their evasive actions have caused major accidents. Veteran driver Lucas Velette Pelaez told reporters that "there are potholes where one least expects them: that is the first thing. After that, there are the Miranda Hill segments and Kilometer 60..."
In a similar fashion, the Las Americas Expressway was roundly criticized for the lack of lighting, and the DGTT identified 26 dangerous areas, especially Kilometers 18 and 19 and the zone near the entrance to the airport.
On the other side of Santo Domingo the 6 of November Highway presents dangerous areas near the Cabana Amor, near the entrance to El Cajuilito and in front of the Goya factory.
Data from the Security and Analysis Division of the DGTT show that last year there were 21,000 accidents on the highways last year. Most could been prevented.
The main reasons for accidents were: driver's carelessness (6,047), imprudence (2,197), distractions (1,639), did not maintain distance for breaking (1,172), backing up without precaution (1,709), excessive speeding (876). Mechanical problems (513).
Over the weekend, at least three persons perished and more than a dozen were injured in just two accidents reported over the weekend. In one of the accidents, a religious group traveling from the community of Judea in Monte Cristi suffered a blowout and their minibus overturned, killing one person and injuring 12 others. The incident occurred at Kilometer 56 of the Duarte Highway. The driver, who suffered broken legs, said that there were 15 persons in the van.
In another tragic incident, a crash between a bus and a truck left 2 dead and 5 injured near Kilometer 3 of the San Juan-Azua Highway at 3pm.

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