View Full Version : Voices for Peace lyrical concert

08-31-2009, 04:00 PM
The Ministry of Culture is sponsoring the presentation of the concert "Voces por la Paz" this coming Wednesday, 2 September at the Maximo Aviles Blonda Hall of the Palace of Fine Arts (Palacio de Bellas Artes). Free admission. Known pieces by Mozart, Rossini, Donizetti, Verdi, Bisset, Gonzalo Roig, Julio A. Hernandez, Aura Marina del Rosario and Tono Abreu will be sung. Lyrical voices are Paola Gonzalez, Pura Tyson, Juan Cuevas, Modesto Acosta, Enmanuelle Vargas, Eduardo Mejia. Pianists Anton Fustier and Irving Paniagua.
For more on upcoming events, see http://www.dr1.com/calendar

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