View Full Version : Fernandez at African summit

09-01-2009, 04:30 PM
President Leonel Fernandez is concerned that Honduran deposed President Manuel Zelaya has not yet been reinstated. Fernandez made his comments during the 13th African Union Chiefs of State and Heads of Government Summit he attended in Tripoli, Libya. Fernandez complained that while the international community has denounced the coup d'etat against Zelaya, the opposition party continues to rule.
Robert Micheletti has been the de facto leader in Honduras after Zelaya was forced out, six months into ending his term. Zelaya had called for a referendum that would have installed a Constituent Assembly to reform the Constitution so he could remain in power.
The move to change the Constitution is similar to actions previously taken by Chavez (Venezuela), Correa (Ecuador), Mejia and Fernandez (DR), Uribe (Colombia), among other Latin American leaders, regarding changes in the country's constitution to enable them to remain in power.
In the DR, President Leonel Fernandez himself is almost successful at using his majority in Congress to reform the Dominican Constitution so he can again run for President.
Earlier, President Leonel Fernandez had used the forum of the Central American Parliament to call for the US to suspend Honduras from the DR-CAFTA agreement. This was rejected by both the US and Costa Rica.
During the African summit, Fernandez and representatives from Libya announced the establishment of diplomatic relations between both countries. It is expected that diplomats will be appointed within the next month.
The move to solidify relations with Libya is a sign of the increased participation of Dominican diplomacy in the African continent and in the Middle East.

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