View Full Version : Migratory laissez-faire

09-01-2009, 04:30 PM
El Dia editorial writer expresses concern for the lack of interest of the administration of President Leonel Fernandez in migratory policy. The editorialist comments that migratory policy should focus on the development needs of a nation. "When the latter is not planned and controlled following policies established by the authorities, it has ended in conflicts" states the writer.
The newspaper comments that European nations open and close their borders in line with their interests. "The great problem of the DR is that it has lacked any migration policy, despite being next door to the poorest people in the continent that following their instinct cross to Dominican territory because anything for them is better," explains the newspaper.
He explains that today the border is on its own, the migration department lacks resources, and streets are filling with Haitian beggars, while large slums are arising where the growing numbers of illegal Haitians reside. The writer says that this laissez faire attitude has generated and will continue to generate violence and social conflicts, with catastrophic consequences for this country.
"Haiti is living a profound tragedy while the international community looks the other way," says the newspaper. It is most critical of Dominican authorities.
"And Dominican authorities seem to ignore that they have a fundamental responsibility to look over Dominican interests," states the writer. The editorial concludes alerting that the official lack of interest can result in the DR being dragged into the same calamity suffered by our neighbor and that we may succumb with them.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#5)