View Full Version : Fake birth certificate

09-01-2009, 04:30 PM
The case of disappeared Cuban American pilot Antonio Armando Fernandez has taken another odd turn, this time with regards to the death certificate. It is being reported that the death certificate issued for Fernandez was in fact fake in a corruption case involving his wife and the death certificate officer of the civil registry officer Luis Fernandez Perez Cuevas. Perez has been suspended from his position pending an investigation. According to published reports, an investigation by journalist Rafael G Santana for the insurance company revealed that Fernandez's widow was attempting to cash in on a US$16 million life insurance policy from Proseguros. A report filed by the Administrative Chamber of the Central Electoral Board (JCE) asked for the first death certificate to be annulled because it didn't follow through with the procedures to declare a disappeared person as dead. Fernandez's body has yet to be found and his whereabouts are unknown.

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