View Full Version : Peace Corps director visits

09-02-2009, 05:10 PM
Peace Corps director Aaron Williams visited with Vice President Rafael Alburquerque yesterday. Williams was a volunteer in the DR from 1967 to 1970 when he met his wife, Rosa Maria, with whom he has two sons. Williams is the 4th director in the Peace Corps' history to have served as a Peace Corps volunteer.
He was sworn in as the 18th director of the Peace Corps on 24 August 2009. He was accompanied in the visit to the Presidential Palace by Christopher Lambert, new charge d'affairs of the US Embassy.
Williams is a graduate from Chicago State University with a B.S. in Education and Geography, and a MBA in Marketing and International Business at the University of Wisconsin.
He worked in Minneapolis with General Mills before beginning a long USAID career with positions in Honduras, Haiti, Costa Rica, Barbados and South Africa. In 1998, he went to Baltimore as the Executive Vice President of the International Youth Foundation.
In 2002, he went to work for RTI International, an organization that describes itself as being dedicated to improving the human condition in developing countries.

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