View Full Version : Pared: Keep those jobs!

09-04-2009, 06:20 PM
President of the Senate, PLD politician Reinaldo Pared Perez has gone to bat for the political appointees in government. As reported in the Listin Diario, Pared Perez said that not all those who have been fired at the CDEEE and National Lottery were political job-holders. "I think that the political board of the party needs to analyze this situation because, I insist, indiscriminate cancellations are not advisable."
Listin Diario political analyst Orlando Gil comments that new electricity department head Celso Marranzini has expressed the need to rid the department of politics. He wonders out loud if the management problems at the CDEE will be turned into a political problem for the government party. "Can the Political Committee put its nose or hands in and pressure Marranzini to hold the firing squad and reduce cancellations to a minimum?

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