View Full Version : Taiwan trains the trainers

09-09-2009, 05:10 PM
The Taiwanese International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) will help train vocational trainers in the DR. The ICDF has signed an agreement with the National Professional Training Institute (Infotep) to provide a self-learning program for Infotep's teachers. Taiwan will provide 195 software licenses for Infotep teachers in the areas of electrical studies, basic electronics and industrial mechanics.
Taiwanese ambassador to the DR Isaac Tsai, and Infotep director Josefina Pimentel signed the agreement. Tsai declared that he hoped that users of the programs would make the most of them. He also hopes that the program will enhance the competitiveness of the nation's technical professionals.
For more information on ICDF programs, see www.icdf.org.tw (http://www.icdf.org.tw)

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