View Full Version : More details in US$4.6M case

09-09-2009, 05:10 PM
The woman suspected of being the mistress of a fugitive drug baron, Sobeida Feliz Morel, is continuing to protest her innocence, denying she had any knowledge or involvement with the US$4.6 million in cash found in a SUV registered in her name. Nevertheless, according to some reports she says that one bag is missing in addition to the three others found by the police.
Feliz has been sent to one year in preventive custody at Najayo Model Prison, as the case of suspect drug dealer Cristian Almonte Peguero is investigated.
National District Deputy District Prosecutor Alejandro Moscoso Segarra says two other people, besides Cristian Almonte Peguero, are suspects in the case.
As Feliz Morel was escorted from the Palacio de Justicia in Ciudad Nueva, Feliz declared that, "Colonel Familia is responsible for what happens to me and my family."
According to the woman's attorneys, an unnamed man removed the tape from her apartment's security cameras. She said that during the raid on the apartment at the Torre Alco Paradisso four bags with money were found, but that one bag, with even more money, has "gone missing."
The president of the Natioanl Drug Control Department (DNCD) said the statements were a maneuver typical of drug traffickers to discredit the investigators.
Drug officials at the DNCD have also announced they carried out a raid at an abandoned mansion in Arroyo Hondo II, which yielded 2 money-counting machines, 4 communications systems, a GPS system and 4 holsters for 9mm Glock guns.

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