View Full Version : Changes to the freedom of information act?

09-10-2009, 01:40 PM
Diario Libre editor Ines Aizpun comments today on Puerto Plata deputy Alfonso Crisostomo's opinion that the freedom of information act should be modified. Crisostomo made the comment after it became known that close relatives were on his payroll.
Aizpun explains to the deputy that the act is being used to bring decency to public administration. "It is serving to make public information that is of general interest. Because even if it is not in his interest to understand this, the use that government officials and legislators make of our money should be public," she writes.
"The legislators, government officials, still do not understand the magnitude of the irritation of citizens. Maybe they do not see, the way we see it, that the clientelistic system that leads to their election has paralyzed economic growth, stimulated corruption and therefore inequities that reduce the country's competitiveness, and condemn the poor to depend on "charity" that impedes progress," she writes.
"The moral responsibility of this generation of politicians is enormous. If they do not understand that they have to change the way they get elected, they are going to condemn us all (even deputy Crisostomo's father) to eternal underdevelopment."

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