View Full Version : Jhonathan Leyba works for MLB

09-15-2009, 04:50 PM
The Major League Baseball office that represents 30 MLB teams in the Dominican Republic corrects what it calls was most probably a misinterpretation in a news story published originally in Hoy and picked up by dr1news (12 August 2008). The story linked Leyba to a forged birth certificate.
Ronald Peralta says that Jhonathan Leyba's role at the Central Electoral Board in the case was merely a routine verification on behalf of Major League Baseball of the birth certificate of Jose Rafael Juan Pula prior to the signing of the ball player by the Colorado Rockies. The verification is required before a player is signed by the Minor Leagues.
"We stress that the Colorado Rockies nor Jhonathan Leyba has incurred in any violation of MLB regulations throughout his career and professional relationship with our office," states Peralta on behalf of MLB.

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