View Full Version : Doctors' dialogue staggers

09-16-2009, 05:40 PM
Doctors and the government are still trying to work out an agreement, yet by the looks of it the chances of any imminent accord are not good. Yesterday, during the latest meeting between the Dominican Medical Association, mediator Monsignor Agripino Nunez and Minister of Public Health Bautista Rojas Gomez, the Minister walked out of the meeting.
Although Nunez claimed that Rojas' departure was in response to a call from the Presidential Palace, journalists speculated that Rojas was not happy about the direction in which the talks were moving.
Hoy reports that from the onset there was a feeling among those present that little progress would come from the talks.
Hoy cites external sources that claim that there is no real motivation on the part of the government to resolve the issue. The media says that the government is just buying time.

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