View Full Version : Papi's Big heart

09-17-2009, 06:00 PM
David Ortiz might be having his troubles at the plate, but he is still known around the league as one of real good guys of the game. Ortiz has been warmly received everywhere he goes due to his demeanor and genuine affection for fans.
With this in mind Ortiz has decided to throw his name and support behind a partnership with Massachusetts General Hospital. Earlier this week Ortiz announced that the David Ortiz's Children's Fund has formed a partnership with Massachusetts General Hospital. According to MLB.com, Ortiz's charity has funded roughly 60 heart surgeries for children in the Dominican Republic over the past year, and the efforts will now extend to Big Papi's baseball home of Boston.
During a ceremony at Big Papi's Grille, which has recently opened in Framingham, Ma., Ortiz presented Peter Slavin with a US$100,000 check. Slavin is the hospital's president. "Whenever you provide an open-heart surgery for one of these kids, it changes the whole family's life situation," said Ortiz. "It's an unbelievable change. I started doing this a few years back. I was doing it because I love kids, and I love to see the smile on children's faces. I had no idea, seriously, what I was walking into."
Nelva Pelaez, the secretary of Heart Care Dominicana said, "I remember the first time David came into the hospital. I was very touched to see a guy who was so big and so strong fall into the arms of a baby, basically, crying," "He couldn't stand to see their pain. I was truly touched at that moment. I said to myself, 'This is a genuine guy, and he will come back and help more children,' and he did."
http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20090915&content_id=... (http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20090915&content_id=6978132&vkey=news_mlb&fext=.jsp&c_id=mlb)

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