View Full Version : [DR1] Biggest tax cheats: big business

06-21-2006, 03:10 PM
According to Juan Hernandez, the head of the Tax Department (DGII), between 400 and 500 large businesses are responsible for 80% of VAT tax evasion that goes on in the Dominican Republic. In addition, according to Hernandez, 114,000 small businesses in Santo Domingo do not collect the proper VAT on their sales. As Hernandez met with media reporters, he explained that the percentage was reached after consulting employees from a number of companies. He said that VAT collection at supermarkets is difficult to control since there are tax-free items, items that are subject to selective taxes, and items that are subject to the 16% VAT. Within the agricultural sector the collection of any VAT is highly unlikely, given the informal nature of most agricultural transactions. Hernandez said that his office has budgeted RD$111.0 billion as the target for 2006, but his staff has reported that as much as RD$115.0 billion will be collected, a 4% surplus.

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