View Full Version : [DR1] Governmental overspending

06-21-2006, 03:10 PM
The Fernandez administration announced this week new government austerity measures, while figures from the National Planning Office indicate the government went on a spending spree in the first part of the year. As reported in Diario Libre, from January to April of this year, the government had revenues of RD$57.24 billion, but spent RD$61.6 billion. The revenues include a windfall of around RD$3 billion that would have gone to compensate for duty free imports if DR-CAFTA had gone into effect as planned on 1 January but was postponed for later this year. The first four months of the year coincided with the campaign for the congressional and municipal elections whose results did favor the government.

Diario Libre points out that the government has a commitment with the International Monetary Fund to close the year with a zero deficit regarding revenues and expenditures.

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