View Full Version : [DR1] President's Far East trip agenda

06-21-2006, 03:10 PM
President Leonel Fernandez is going on a 13-day tour to the Far East starting with an 8:20 am American Airlines flight to Miami on Thursday, 22 June. The trip will take him to meetings in California, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan. The Presidency announced details of his agenda:


Friday, 23 June meeting in San Francisco, California with Martin Roscheisen of Nanosolar Inc. Nanosolar has developed innovative thin-film solar cells with the potential to make solar electricity vastly less expensive.

President Fernandez will also tour the installations of Google search engine and Google Earth in Silicon Valley.

He will then travel to Los Angeles where he will meet with telecom directors and film directors in a dinner organized by Brett Ratner of X-Men fame in Beverly Hills.

On Saturday, 24 June, he will have lunch with the Mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa, Attorney General Rocky Delgadillo and the chairman of the California Council for International Trade, Carlos Valderrama to discuss strengthening of trade ties with Los Angeles and crime reduction programs.

Then he is scheduled to throw the opening ball at the 48th annual Hollywood Stars celebrity softball game at 5pm. His host will be the president of the Los Angeles Dodgers, Jamie McCourt, and team owner and chairman Frank McCourt.


On 25 June, he travels to Taipei, Taiwan for meetings with technology business men and government officers. On his agenda is a visit to the Taiwan Textile Federation, the metro company and the Chien Tan subway station. President Chen Shui-bian is scheduled to receive him.

On this trip, Roberto Reyna, rector of the state university UASD, will accompany him on this portion of the trip where a US$14 million loan will be signed for the automating of registration and administrative services. Taiwan Minister of Foreign Relations, James Chih Fan-huan has scheduled a dinner in honor of the Dominican government delegation.

On Tuesday, 27 June, President Fernandez will attend an exhibition of Dominican products at the World Trade Center in Taipei. He is also scheduled to visit Tainan to the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center, an international organization specializing in tropical vegetable research, and a leading Taiwan science and industrial technology park and a dinner in his honor offered by the President of Taiwan.

On Wednesday, 28 June, he will be speak briefly at a workshop on investment opportunities organized by the Center for Export and Investments (CEI-RD) and the Dominican Embassy in Taiwan.

At the Chinese Cultural University, he will receive a honoris causa title and will speak to students and faculty.

On his agenda is the signing of a cooperation agreement for the development of the Santo Domingo Cyberpark with the President of Taiwan. He will also attend a dinner in his honor offered by the president of the Association for Small and Medium-sized Business in Taiwan, Dai Sheng-tun and the president of the Taiwan Latin American Chamber of Commerce, Lu Wei-Ming.

South Korea:

President Fernandez will then travel to South Korea on 29 June where he will visit Samsung and Daedeok Innopolis, a high-tech R&D Cluster, in addition to several biotech and high tech advanced research centers. On his agenda is a dinner with LG and Korea Electronic Corporation executives.

On Friday, 30 June, President Fernandez is scheduled to participate in a workshop organized by the Interamerican Development Bank and the Korea International Trader Association, and then to meet with Korean President Roh Moo-hyun. He is scheduled to speak at the Foreign Correspondents Press Club in Seoul and at a luncheon offered by Korean business organizations, to meet with legislative chamber presidents, and to visit the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS), a university specializing in languages and foreign studies for Foreign Studies where he will be present at the signing of an agreement with the state university UASD and will receive a honoris causa title in political sciences.


On Saturday, 1 July, President Fernandez will participate in a workshop organized by the Korea Development Institute. From there he will travel to Japan. In Japan, he will attend a luncheon in his honor offered by Minister of State for Defense Yoshinori Ohno. In the afternoon he will be received by the Prime Minister of Japan, Junichiro Koizumi.

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