View Full Version : Pro Consumidor will investigate

09-22-2009, 04:30 PM
Yesterday's allegations that traders are selling "milk that is not milk and cheese that is not cheese" has caused a ripple effect in the DR's dairy sector. It has led other dairy producers to back up claims made by Cesareo Contreras.
And as a result, Consumer Rights Protection group Pro Consumidor is launching an investigation into the allegations. The National Cattle Farmers Trust and the Dominican Dairy Farmers Association (Aproleche) have condemned the practice. The National Milk Council (Conaleche) has also supported the views expressed by Contreras, adding that producers often import large amounts of proteins, which are used in the preparation of dairy products. Eric Rivero, president of the Cattle Farmers Trust, says the allegations are true, adding that some brands of milk and cheese are being made with chemicals. Meanwhile, Luis Carlos Fernandez, president of Aproleche, says the government should investigate the allegations, which is affecting Dominican schoolchildren.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#4)