View Full Version : Deforestation at the border

09-29-2009, 04:30 PM
Today's Listin Diario features a two-page report on how the DR is losing land to undocumented and destitute Haitian immigrants in the border region. The newspaper says that the main concern is deforestation. In the past, anyone flying over the border used to marvel about the contrast in the forest cover between the DR side and the Haiti side, but now the barren landscape is encroaching on the DR, due to degrading farming practices and charcoal production.
The reporter writes: "Haitians do not respect the area and have deforested very sensitive areas of the Bahoruco Mountain Range", adding that the few forestry rangers working in the area are helpless. According to local sources, new charcoal ovens are built as soon as others are removed. Other concerns include an increase in cattle rustling and theft of fruit from farms.
The newspaper points out that on the occasion of the celebration of the Day of Las Mercedes on 24 September, when Pedernales priest Antonio Fernandez Rodriguez said mass it had to be translated into Creole by Haitian deacon Mico Sun Luis because 97% of his parishioners are Haitian.
"They didn't come from Haiti to hear the mass," writes Adriana Peguero. "They live in the town of La Altagracia, founded 100 years ago. The songs of praise were in Creole".
According to Jorgilio Segura, 70% of children attending the local school are Haitian, 99% of health services are used by Haitians and 90% of the homes that were built under Joaquin Balaguer are now occupied by Haitians.
www.listin.com.do/app/article.aspx?id=116441 (http://www.listin.com.do/app/article.aspx?id=116441)

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