View Full Version : Hurricane season winds down

10-05-2009, 11:50 AM
It what will be remembered in the Dominican Republic as the season that was not, the official Hurricane Season will end in less than 60 days. With much less activity than last year, the peak month of the season entered its final days with only two storms reaching hurricane strength (Bill and Fred), and none of the storms causing any significant damage in the area. The peak months for hurricanes in our area, August and September, are now behind us, and the risk of a major storm has decreased exponentially. Nonetheless, meteorologist Wagner Lorenzo warns that hurricanes can appear at any time, "...and a depression, tropical storm or hurricane can form."
Just a few years ago, the National Hurricane Center in Miami ran out of names and had to use the Greek alphabet to name the late-year storms. Just two years ago, Tropical Storms Noel and Olga did a lot of damage in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The lull in activity is attributed to the shift of the "El Nino" phenomenon in the Pacific Ocean. With the return of "La Nina", yet another change in sea currents in the Pacific, hurricanes are expected to increase.

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