View Full Version : Pared denies claims

10-06-2009, 04:20 PM
Senate president Reinaldo Pared Perez is denying that recent articles passed by the Constitutional Revisory Assembly limit access to beaches for Dominicans. Pared also stated that the new Constitution doesn't limit citizens' rights, as is being claimed by civic groups like Participacion Ciudadana. Pared accused these groups of trying to discredit the Revisory Assembly's work, saying that beach access has not been limited by this new constitution. In recent weeks the Assembly has passed several articles, which many civic groups have seen as an attack on Dominican citizen rights. The controversial Article 30 was passed, which in one fell swoop made all forms of abortion illegal, under all circumstances, defining life as starting at the moment of conception. Also, on 30 September the Commission announced that protected areas would include private property rights. This legalizes the de-facto privatization of beaches, rivers, lakes and coastline that has taken place over the years. The new Constitution will read: "The high basins of the rivers and areas of endemic, native and migratory biodiversity are subject to special protection by the government to ensure their management and conservation. The rivers, lakes, beaches and coastline are in the public domain and subject to free access, but the right to private property will be respected. The law will regulate the conditions, rules and pathways for the public to enjoy these areas." Also, on 20 September legislators agreed to limit citizens' rights, announcing that individuals would not be able to sue the government for violation of the Constitution. The PLD and PRD political parties agreed to remove this prerogative from the Constitution.

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