View Full Version : Comments on the constitution

10-08-2009, 05:30 PM
Vice president Rafael Alburquerque has expressed his wholehearted support for the constitutional reforms currently under way, saying he finds it strange that people are riled up about the constitution. Quoted in Hoy, Alburquerque said that the Revisory Assembly was creating a new constitution "with new and unprecedented advances for the citizenry". However, PLD deputy Isabel Bonilla says she believes that there are hidden motives behind some of these reforms. She believes that the new constitution and the amendment to privatize beaches is a "crime against the country". She also attributed the approval of the constitution to a "Guacanagarix complex", saying that legislators were selling everything off for a cheap exchange. Guacanagarix was a Taino chieftain who gave precious gold to Columbus and his sailors in return for trinkets and baubles. Bonilla, who confessed that the feeling of helplessness had made her cry, added that powerful politicians, businesspeople and hotel owners had put pressure on legislators to vote a certain way.

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