View Full Version : Protestors use new media

10-08-2009, 05:30 PM
In what could be termed a sign of times, local protestors have become adept at using the Internet and viral marketing to get their message across to a mass audience, without spending any money on ad campaigns. This generation of protesters is using websites like Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Hi5 and Myspace to spread the word about all sorts of activities, both important and trivial. Campaigners have succeeded in legitimizing these movements and increasing participation, making the most of the advantage of getting a short message out to thousands of people using the smallest amount of resources of possible. The benefit of using social networking sites is that it has allowed protestors and youth movements to print their message, and bypass the bureaucracy or bias of a news outlet, and present their message unedited and as intended. This year, the Musica por Los Haitises concert and the campaign against the cement factory, used Facebook as their medium for spreading information. In recent weeks, "Toy Jarto" and "Esa no es mi Constitucion" have continually presented their message to the masses, rallied support and given interested members a place to express their views.
www.facebook.com/search/?q=Toy+Jarto+&init=quick#/group.php?... (http://www.facebook.com/search/?q=Toy+Jarto+&init=quick#/group.php?gid=22344148141&ref=search&sid=602466810.4006775430..1) (Toy Jarto)

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#12)