View Full Version : Immigration neutralizes development

10-09-2009, 02:00 PM
French political scientist Aymeric Chauprade said that the Dominican Republic would not be able to implement a development strategy to improve the lot of millions of its poor citizens as long as it continues to tolerate uncontrolled Haitian migration. He added that issues surrounding this problem are also generating negative publicity in the European Union. He said that, "all policies that try to get the poorest class into the middle class are going to be affected by this migration, and President Fernandez understands this perfectly."
Accompanied by Rosanna Pons, the Coordinator of Geopolitical Studies at the Global Democracy and Development Foundation (Funglode), Chauprade, a critic of United States foreign policy and a defender of the move towards the left currently under way in Latin America, said that the solution to the Haitian problem is not in the hands of the Dominican Republic or the United States, or even France.
He said that "the problem in Haiti is one of identity... and they won't find their political stability until they find their identity."

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