View Full Version : COPPPAL begins sessions

10-12-2009, 03:50 PM
The XXVIII Plenary Meeting of the Permanent Conference of Latin American and Caribbean Political Parties (COPPPAL) got under way this weekend. High-level leaders of the PLD and the PRD are taking part. In the opening ceremony, PRD president Miguel Vargas Maldonado reiterated the belief that the best way to reform the Constitution is through a Constitutional Assembly. He said that he signed an agreement with President Leonel Fernandez because it was worse to be cut off than to participate in a real reform. Vargas Maldonado mentioned the elimination of consecutive re-election as a positive result of the pact.
Meanwhile, the secretary general of the PLD, Reinaldo Pared Perez, stressed the role played by COPPPAL in overseeing democracy in Latin America and highlighted the agreements reached between his organization and the PRD that have sponsored the reform of the Constitution within a context of total and complete democracy. He also highlighted the fact that the parties that make up COPPPAL should adopt a firm and determined commitment to reach a greater economic, social and territorial cohesion that contributes to improving regional development indicators.
COPPPAL president, Antonio Cafiero from Argentina, stressed that politics is the "most noble" profession and is not motivated by any personal or group interest, but rather because "they have love" and they love great causes. Much to the enjoyment of his audience, according to many newspaper accounts, he said that politicians belong to a "different breed".

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