View Full Version : CDEEE promises power if they pay

10-12-2009, 03:50 PM
The executive vice-president of the State-owned Electricity Companies (CDEEE), Celso Marranzini, told reporters from El Nuevo Diario that there was a basic thing that Dominican consumers needed to realize: That all Dominicans could enjoy electricity service 24 hours a day if they paid for it. Marranzini said, "I think this is the basic argument that the Dominican population needs to hear". He pointed out that the electricity sector has an installed capacity of 3,394 megawatts and a demand for 2,109 megawatts, which means that 1,300 megawatts are not delivered to the people because they do not pay for them.
The CDEEE executive, barely into his second month on the job, was quite emphatic when he told the reporters that for every 100 pesos of electricity that is delivered, the distributors only collect 48 pesos. He said the opportunity to save the electricity sector is in everybody's hands. He said, "It is not in the hands of the government; it is not in the hands of the administration (of the CDEEE)... it is in the hands of each and every one of the clients of the distributors". He added that anyone who does not pay contributes to perpetuating a situation that has been going on for about 40 years. He said that nobody, rich or poor, is exonerated from paying for electricity, and he compared the use of cell phones with pre-paid cards as an example of paying for a service. He did reveal that there was a minority of very large customers that uses a lot of energy, such as industrialists and businesses in general, which have the largest amount of debts. Marranzini, a former president of CONEP, said he was not afraid to collect the debts since as a businessman he has to collect from his clients.

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