View Full Version : Progress in Paya case

10-15-2009, 05:40 PM
Former naval officer Lt. Carlos E. Rosso Pena, dishonorably discharged from the Navy in 2008 for his involvement in a drug trafficking ring, has been captured by the Dominican police. Rosso was on the DR's most wanted list for his role in the 2008 Paya drug massacres and is also wanted for extradition to the United States (Puerto Rico). Listin Diario reports that Rosso had escaped capture by fleeing to Colombia via Haiti. Diario Libre says that he traveled on fake documents in the name of Angel Bolivar Alcantara Perez. He was arrested when he re-entered the DR after arriving on a flight from Colombia, via Panama. He was immediately transferred to National Drug Control Department headquarters. It is not clear how officials knew Rosso was on that flight, as details were not released, but Diario Libre reports that they were waiting at the door of the plane as he was entering the airport. Intelligence officials recognized him immediately and when he was captured he admitted to his real identity.

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