View Full Version : Portability goes well

10-15-2009, 05:40 PM
The opportunity to change telephone companies while keeping the same phone number appears to be an attractive prospect for many Dominican customers. In the first 15 days since the introduction of numerical portability, an estimated 11,776 requests have been submitted. An average of 683 applications are being received daily. It is what most insiders expected, and the aim is to increase quality and competition between phone service providers. In response to some complaints from customers about excessive charges, Dominican Telecommunications Institute (Indotel) director Jose Rafael Vargas said that no company is allowed to charge more than RD$80 total for the service of switching service providers. Five companies have said they will not charge that RD$80, including One-Max, Viva, Orange and Sky Max.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#7)