View Full Version : Police link kidnappers and leftists

10-16-2009, 02:00 PM
The National Police have released information on the two dead kidnappers involved in the case of Eduardo Baldera Gomez and established links with several other kidnapping cases. According to today's Listin Diario, the police are also saying that there are close ties between the kidnappers and a previously unknown or unpublicized leftist group known as "Nacion solidaria". They have attributed at least 5 kidnappings to the group since 2000.
The group leaders included Cecilio Diaz, who was reported killed together with William Batista last Saturday in an area near Villa Vasquez after young Baldera Gomez escaped from the shack where he was being held. Listin Diario reporters were shown two files on Cecilio Diaz, who used the names of Manuel, Sibilio or Lilo as aliases and is identified as "a guerilla in El Salvador" and they are connecting him with two other kidnappings, one in November of 2005 in the so-called Gringo Case, in Santiago, and the other in San Francisco de Macoris, the Lantigua Case in November of last year. He is also mentioned in connection with raids and robberies in exchange houses, banks and other commercial establishments. He is believed to be the founder and leader of the subversive "Gregorio Luperon Movement" and an activist in several leftist organizations.
William Batista's rap sheet says that he was indicted for robbery and attempted kidnapping in 1996 and that he belonged to the Gregorio Luperon and FALPO groups. Investigators revealed that the modus operandi of the Baldera Gomez kidnapping is very similar to the four previous cases. The kidnappers carried keys to handcuffs, compasses, military clothing and equipment and false documents. In addition, the five cases (Ulerio in San Francisco de Macoris in August 2000, Capellan, in Santiago in August 2002, Gringo, in November 2005, Lantigua, in San Francisco de Macoris in November 2008 and Baldera in September 2009) all took place between August and November, all requested similar amounts of money, and all took place in the Cibao Valley area. In addition, all victims were seized in the early evening between 8 and 9 o'clock, and all five were taken from their homes using stolen vehicles, military clothing and automatic rifles. The same use of tapes and cell phones to prove the victim was alive was also part of the MO.

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