View Full Version : JCE will oversee party elections

10-19-2009, 03:50 PM
The Administrative Chamber of the Central Electoral Board (JCE) has begun the process of overseeing political parties internal elections for candidates for congressional and municipal posts in the May 2010 elections. Diario Libre reported that the president of the Administrative Chamber, Roberto Rosario, sent letters to each of the coordinators for the organization of the PRD and PLD party conventions, Alejandrina German and Hugo Tolentino Dipp, asking them about their internal processes.
In a letter addressed to Alejandrina German, Rosario asked the PLD to supply a list of the pre-candidates and the posts to which they hope to become candidates. He also requested a list of the pre-candidates who were not accepted and the reasons for their rejection. Moreover, he wanted a list of the posts that were reserved by the party for their discretionary use, as well as the name of the members of the municipal electoral commissions whose work will be coordinated with the local Election Boards. Meanwhile, in the letter to the PRD, represented by Tolentino Dipp, he requested the dates that the party had set aside for their convention, by region and by province. In addition, he asked for a list of the members of the Electoral Commissions. The Administrative Chamber will contract a company to monitor the campaigns of the political parties and avoid "dirty politics".

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