View Full Version : Pedro's last stand

10-22-2009, 02:20 PM
The dream of any professional athlete is to go out on top. For many athletes this opportunity never comes. For others, they play beyond their skills and leave as shadows of their former greatness. Not this time. Not for Pedro. The beloved fireball, known locally as the Monstruo de Manoguayabo, has one final chance to be a champion and to leave the game as one of the greatest and put a stamp on his legacy. With last night's Philadelphia win over the Los Angeles Dodgers, Pedro was guaranteed at least one more chance to walk away from baseball as one of the greatest pitchers in the game. The Phillies practically walked into the World Series, pounding on the Dodgers 10-4. Slugger Manny Ramirez seemed to have taken an early vacation, having only batted 1-3 in the series. Dominican Rafael Furcal was no better batting .143 and going 1-5 in the last game.

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