View Full Version : Government cuts back RD$13 billion

10-23-2009, 03:00 PM
The government has made more than RD$13 billion worth of cutbacks in state spending, except in Health and Education, especially in the areas of goods and services as well as some internal financing that was obtained and was within the budget. The adjustments were made in response to the RD$21 billion shortfall in income so far this year.
Minister of Hacienda Vicente Bengoa and Budget Director Luis Hernandez made this announcement, and went on to report that the Board of Directors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) would meet on 6 November to review the Letter of Intent from the Dominican Government.
Bengoa said that the US$1.7 billion that the Dominican government will get from the International Monetary Fund is the same funding that was assigned in this year's Budget, but because of the problems that have arisen it had not been possible to disburse it.
The government does not have an allocation for a wage increase for doctors in next year's budget, which will be presented on 15 November, according to the law, due to the fact that there was no agreement for a salary adjustment with this sector, announced Bengoa. He said that the government has paid internal and foreign debts on time since 2008 and said that the 2010 budget would be similar to this year's, with some slight increases, which is normal. He also reported that the US$300 million of the US$500 million loan that was approved by the Inter-American Development Bank for the support of the budget segment designed to help the poor, will be disbursed this year and the other US$200 million in 2010. Part of these resources will be used to for focused subsidies.
He said that the government would include 400,000 people in the National Health Insurance (Senasa) and 280,000 in the Comer es primero (Eating Comes First) programs, and would focus on the Bonoluz and the Bonogas programs, since the money is for this purpose. Hernandez said that they were working on the first phase of the 2010 Budget and were about half way through. He said that the institutions had to submit their budgets by 28 October. Bengoa said that the 2010 Budget would be sent to Congress within the timeframe established by the Constitution, adding that this means that the deadline is next 15 November. For more details on the IDB loan, see:
www.iadb.org/news/detail.cfm?language=English... (http://www.iadb.org/news/detail.cfm?language=English&id=5802&wt.mc_id=5802&ealertFrq=HA)

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