View Full Version : Doctors brain drain

10-23-2009, 03:00 PM
Yesterday's DR1 News reported that the DR and Costa Rica are the two countries in the region with the greatest number of doctors per 10,000 inhabitants. Today, Listin Diario reports that the DR is also among the nations affected by the emigration of health professionals to more developed nations. All this information is found in the Dominican Republic and Central American Health Agenda, 2009-2018, that was approved last January and whose impact was discussed yesterday during the Second Preparatory Meeting of the XXV Health Sector Meeting for Central America and the Dominican Republic (Resscad), chaired by Dominican Health Minister Bautista Rojas Gomez.
Both the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica have 20 doctors for every 10,000 inhabitants. Belize and Guatemala are the countries with the fewest doctors, with just 8.5 and 9.7 per 10,000 respectively. The World Health Organization (WHO) says that in order to reach "minimum coverage", there should be 25 professionals (doctors and nurses) for every 10,000 inhabitants. The DR is also at the top of the list in "beds per 10,000 inhabitants" with 2, followed by Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Guatemala. The health agenda has the objective of jointly treating health issues that affect the region such as dengue, malaria, filariasis, HIV-AIDS and tuberculosis.

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