View Full Version : FINJUS and PC divided on Tribunal

10-26-2009, 04:40 PM
The National Revisory Assembly's decision to limit the Constitutional Tribunal's scope of action has led to a difference of opinion between the country's two main civic groups, the Institutional and Justice Foundation (FINJUS) and Citizen Participation (PC). FINJUS executive vice-president Servio Tulio Castanos Guzman said the decision was "unhealthy" because it limited a citizen's power to appeal and obtain Habeas Corpus. Castanos Guzman said that while it was good that the new tribunal would not decide on cases that had already been through the courts, he questioned the decision to limit the ability to appeal future decisions. He stated that the Constitutional Tribunal acts in a different manner than the other powers of the state, and went on to point out that if the tribunal can review actions of the Executive Branch and the Legislative Branch, "The fact that it cannot review Supreme Court decisions does not make sense."
In contrast, Citizen Participation (PC) believes that the Assembly's decision is significant because these limitations address the fears from some sectors of society with respect to the idea that the tribunal would try and review cases that were already settled by the high court, above all, cases involving people involved in fraud and corruption. PC executive director Javier Cabreja said that the decision to limit the tribunal also prevents confrontations between the two courts.

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