View Full Version : Illegal charcoal rivals drugs

10-26-2009, 04:40 PM
The illegal commerce in charcoal made from trees on the Dominican side of the border and smuggled to Haiti is now rivaling the drug trade. It is organized and controlled by gangs on both sides of the border. According to people in the area, this was the motive behind the murder of three Haitians in Pedernales last week. Listin Diario reporters learned that charcoal trafficking, either for use in Haiti or for local consumption, rivals the earnings of the drug trade, gun running, contraband appliances, alcoholic beverages or consumer goods such as rice and other forms of illegal trade in the frontier area.
Jimani is the second largest market along the frontier after Dajabon. It is the center for the illegal charcoal trade and the area where gangs fight over territory and where the charcoal ovens are built. There are several actors in the charcoal trade, including the Dominicans who hire Haitians to build the ovens and the Haitians who buy and re-sell the charcoal in Haiti. A RD$1000 bag of charcoal from the DR can fetch RD$1500 in Haiti.

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