View Full Version : [DR1] DR-CAFTA for institutionalism

06-23-2006, 03:10 PM
The implementation of DR-CAFTA will result in stronger government institutions in the Dominican Republic, as reported by Diario Libre. Legislation on government purchasing is the first step in that process. In an open market, assigning contracts on a one-to-one basis infringes free trade regualations and has an "enormous political cost for the Executive Branch," according to priest and economist Jose Luis Aleman. Aleman added that "the Executive Branch is so powerful in the Dominican Republic because it can award investments and contracts for purchase and sales and publicity, it is scandalous." Stricter customs rules would also contribute to improving the quality of products entering the local market and making imports and exports more transparent. The strict quality regulations required by the United States market will force local producers to increase their standards. The treaty also affects workers rights and guarantees regulations aligned with international rules that must be respected in order to compete in the international market.

One of the most important issues is the fight against the worst excesses of child labor. According so estimates by the International Labor Organization, in 2004, 426,000 children and young people were working in the Dominican Republic.

Equally relevant is environmental protection. The treaty states that it is inappropriate to promote trade and investment through the weakening or reduction of protection established in internal environmental legislation.

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