View Full Version : Changes needed at DNCD

10-29-2009, 06:20 PM
The cycle is simple. Buy and sell drugs. Get more money, buy more guns and get more power. Created in 1988, the National Drug Control Department (DNCD) did not fight back and its structure remained the same. The doors were left wide open to unprecedented infiltration from traffickers and dealers over the last two decades. In an interview with Hoy newspaper, Major General Rolando Mateo Rosado said that for the DNCD to compete with the drug cartels, it needs equipment and better quality workers.
He said that an average DNCD employee is paid RD$7,500 per month, plus any other remuneration they might receive as an army member. For example, spokesman Roberto Lebron is paid RD$41,000 per month. Other officers accompanying Major Rosado to the interview all earned less than Roberto Lebron.
Rosado said that the DNCD grew to replace the Anti- Narcotics Department at the Police that had been created in 1975 to monitor drugs that were headed towards the United States.
Drug trafficking stepped up, especially after 1992, when the US began deporting its first wave of Dominicans for drug-related crimes, he explained. The DNCD did not adapt to the new situation when drug dealers using the DR as a transshipment point began paying in drugs, and local drug consumption became an additional problem. Rosado estimated that the volume of drug micro-trafficking has risen to 60 to 80 kilos a month. He said that drug dealers who were deported from the US head these locally-based operations.
Rosado told Hoy that in his first two months on the job he has purged the agency. The DNCD has 2,200 active men. Rosado confirmed that since his arrival, 27 men have been removed from the institution.
He said the DNCD has stepped up efforts to fight drug exports, also focusing on micro and medium-sized local traffickers. He also reported that the DNCD would present a proposal for a new anti-drug law adapted to the present circumstances.

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