View Full Version : Judge's decision questioned

10-30-2009, 02:50 PM
Both the District Attorney of the National District and the National Drug Control Department are asking the Supreme Court to look into a decision by judge Franny Manuel Gonzalez Castillo who changed an order to remand Jimmy Oliver Rodriguez Ortiz, and allowed the accused to post a bail bond instead. Rodriguez Ortiz is accused of drug trafficking. They criticized the judge's decision, saying it was detrimental to the fight against drug trafficking.
Speaking at a press conference at the District Attorney's office in the National District, Alejandro Moscoso Segarra and DNCD head Major General Rolando Antonio Rosado Mateo were joined by assistant prosecutor Frank Soto. They said that this was not the first time that judge Gonzalez Castillo had taken a decision of this type. They recall that on 8 August he allowed two men who had been caught with 8 kilos of cocaine to post a bail bond.
They said, "This (request) does not mean to say that this type of action is committed by most judges, because the majority of the Dominican judges are responsible and honest, but there are judges like this one who are not supporting the fight against drug trafficking". They said that Rodriguez Castillo was caught with 50 kilos of cocaine in a secret compartment of his vehicle on 15 September.

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