View Full Version : Sosua first trip 12/9-14

10-30-2009, 04:51 PM
I have been reading this site until my eyes are about to drop out! Thanks to all who have gone before me and left those fantastic trip reports! I have mongered in many places in the world, but never the DR and after reading everything here and on DR1 I am using this trip to check out possibly relocating there.

As an aside, what would you estimate the cash needed for a 5 night stay? Not including the hotel...I already have reservations at NG as everyone has stated it is the best place to be on your first trip.

And, is anyone else going to be there during that period? I know Jimbo will be there for one day and I hope to drink a few with him and get some pointers!


P.S. I am a picture taker and will do a good trip report on my return!

10-30-2009, 07:10 PM
As posted by others, $100 to $200 per day. Have a great trip, I'll be leaving there on the 6th.