View Full Version : PRD gets tough on candidates

11-02-2009, 03:30 PM
The main opposition PRD party has asked its 4,515 prospective candidates registered for next year's elections to submit to drug tests and to present certifications that they have no pending drug-related judicial issues. The candidate registration sessions over the weekend are said to have concluded satisfactorily, and the party collected contributions totaling RD$48,858,000 from these pre-candidates. Emmanuel Esquea Guerrero and other members of the party's organizing committee reported on the process at a press conference yesterday.
According to Diario Libre, Esquea Guerrero stated that "We have been very emphatic in the requirements and we are being very demanding because society as a whole is asking the parties to be demanding".
Other requisites for registration as pre-candidates were, as well as a minimum period of PRD membership, the presentation of certification from a social entity and economic contributions depending on the position being sought and the city in which the candidate was going to run for office.
Senators were asked for RD$75,000 and candidates for deputy were asked for RD$50,000.
Esquea Guerrero said that members of the commission would meet with PRD president Miguel Vargas Maldonado today in order to determine which polling company would be selected to determine the levels of preference among the aspiring candidates for senators and mayors in order to "disqualify" any who do not have at least a 20% approval rating.
"The (candidates for) senators and mayors who achieve 20% will then be accepted as pre-candidates and will go to the convention. Neither the candidates for deputy or for city council membership are required to provide polling evidence", said Esquea Guerrero.
Of the total number of registrations, 26 pre-candidates aspire to become senators, 323 want to be deputies, 252 are mayoral hopefuls, 2,705 are seeking municipal council seats and 1,209 for membership in municipal boards. A total of 1,353 positions are available, and 4,515 pre-candidates were registered, a 3:1 ratio of candidates to posts.
Esquea Guerrero said that they would announce the date for the registration of candidates for positions in the Municipal Districts and their members next week. He said that no registrations had been accepted in areas where candidacies were reserved. The PRD Political Committee has reserved 30% of the slots for the PRD to name the candidates and 15% of the posts for political allies. Esquea Guerrero thanked the candidates for their support for the process and made a point of acknowledging the help from the Central Electoral Board that supervised the whole process.

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