View Full Version : Freed on bail, kills again

11-02-2009, 03:30 PM
One of the five people implicated in the murders of Police Major Paula Mercedes and retired Second Lieutenant Juan Cabrera was granted a bail bond of RD$200,000 but almost immediately became involved in another killing during an attempted robbery at a house in the Quisqueya sector of Santo Domingo. Joan Manuel Alcantara de Jesus is said to be the owner of the Taurus 9 mm pistol that was used to kill the Major in November 2008 and Cabrera at a propane gas station in the Herrera section of the city on 5 October 2009. National District judge Jose Reynaldo Ferreira Jimeno ordered one month in remand for Alcantara de Jesus. The Prosecutor of the National District implicated Alcantara de Jesus, together with Moises Mateo Done or Moises Mateo Valdez, as well as fugitives Beriguita, Zapato and Zapatico in the murder of William Relucen, a watchman at the Miramy Residence in the Quisqueya sector. He said that on 20 September the accused tried to enter the parking lot with the intention of theft. However, Relucen put up resistance and closed the gates, which led Alcantara de Jesus and Mateo to take out their weapons and shoot him several times.
According to Diario Libre, just two months earlier, on 20 June, a judge ordered the removal of Alcantara de Jesus's custody order, after reviewing the files implicating him in the murder of retired Lieutenant Cabrera. Judge Jose Duverge Mejia substituted preventive prison for the accused for a bail bond of RD$200,000 and regular visits to the Santo Domingo Prosecutors office. The judge has received a request to open a trial against Alcantara de Jesus, Leandris Ernesto Ramirez Casado, Fernando Cruz Villa and Jose Aybar Batista Valdez.
The Police and the Prosecutors established that the motive for the murder of the Major, which happened in the Claret section of the National District, was theft, to which she resisted.
The accused are also said to be involved in other crimes, using the same weapon that killed the officer. In that crime, young Junior D'Oleo (Junito), Danny Turbi Garcia (Sanguillen), Juan Carlos Espino Tavarez (Papito), Jose Luis Vicente Santos (El pintor) and a person known as "Men" were also named as suspects.

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