View Full Version : JCE warns on campaigning

11-03-2009, 04:10 PM
The new Dominican constitution is expected to grant increased powers to the Central Electoral Board (JCE). The Board plans to use these new powers to control the amount of campaigning and the way in which public funds are used during the 2010 municipal and congressional campaign period. The discussions on the new constitution by the National Revisory Assembly have been completed and the new constitution is due for publication next week, on the occasion of Constitution Day, 6 November.
JCE president Julio Cesar Castanos Guzman stated that the political parties would have to abide by election campaign rules, which will limit the campaign period, use of funds and television and radio advertising. In past campaigns, this began several months or even years in advance of the elections.
Castanos added that one way to help limit campaigning is for all candidates to reveal their funding sources. Castanos said that during the 2006 congressional and municipal elections the JCE tried to enforce this requirement, but strong opposition from the political parties and the media prevented this from happening. A recent story focused on the inexistent level of accountability for political parties that receive a big chunk of taxpayer money.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#4)