View Full Version : Gigantism in government?

11-05-2009, 01:30 PM
Business and civil society experts agree that the size of government is already at a fiscally unsustainable scale. But now proposed changes to Law 176-07 could make matters even worse, according to Central Electoral Board (JCE) president Julio Cesar Castanos Guzman. Castanos says that the modifications would mean an increase in the number of municipal employees that would create a "gigantism" in government with unnecessary and disproportionate number of government offices. The bill has already been approved by the Chamber of Deputies and Castanos fears that its implementation would have repercussions on the electoral administration process and on the municipal budgets. The JCE president says that before approving these changes, which could lead to more nepotism and excess employment, legislators should ask themselves what the real benefits of these changes would be.

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