View Full Version : Judge defends bail

11-11-2009, 04:20 PM
The judge who granted Sobeida Feliz conditional release from jail is defending her actions, saying that she based her decision on the documents that were presented to the court. Judge Roxanna Vasquez Febrillet said she is open to an investigation, including her bank accounts and her track record as a judge. The judge says she believed that as Feliz was a mother of two children and her own mother was sick, these factors were enough to deter her from escaping from the country. According to a report by Tony Pina for CDN published in El Caribe, prior to her arrest, Feliz has not visited her mother who lives in the north of the country in the last six or seven years.
Shortly after posting bail, Feliz fled, with officials now admitting they have no leads as to her whereabouts.
Feliz was initially sent to jail for being an accomplice of an alleged large-scale drug trafficker, Puerto Rican Jose D. Figueroa Agosto. At the time of Sobeida Feliz's arrest and bail trial, Figueroa had already been declared a fugitive from justice. He moved to the DR eight years ago, after escaping from prison in Puerto Rico.

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