View Full Version : Government official credit cards

11-12-2009, 05:00 PM
A new bill in Congress exposes a little-known fact. Government officials enjoy credit cards paid by taxpayer money. A new bill drafted by the new Ministry of Public Administration (SEAP) has been sent to Congress by the Executive Branch. It seeks to ban the issue of credit cards to government officials.
The bill establishes that with the approval of the bill, all credit cards would be cancelled. It also establishes that no government official can have an expense account of more than 10% of their salary, with the exception of the President and Vice President. Furthermore, it establishes that expense accounts cannot be treated as wages. While it establishes that no official can be paid a higher salary than the President, it does leave the loophole open for the President to authorize these higher wages.
The bill requires government officials to submit their personal asset statements within 30 days of taking office.
And it establishes an allocation of 5% of salary for gasoline or diesel expenses.
The President and Vice President are exempt from most of the provisions that apply to other government officers.
The bill also prohibits government officials from receiving additional wages, incentives, or expense accounts and bans them from holding other jobs outside of teaching, sports, cultural or research activities. It also bans them from involvement in companies that have agreements or contracts with the government.
It is a common practice in the Fernandez administration for leading government officials to have stake in companies closely related to their field. Notable cases of former officials are that of chief executive at the State-owned Electricity Companies CDEEE, Radhames Segura and former Tourism Minister Felix Jimenez.

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