View Full Version : DR strong on maritime connectivity

11-13-2009, 05:20 PM
The DR is in the lead among DR-CAFTA signatory countries on the Liner Shipping Connectivity Index (LSCI) for 2009, announced Andres Van der Horst Alvarez, head of the Dominican Republic's National Competitiveness Council. The United Nations Conference on Commerce and Development (UNCTAD) sponsors the index.
Overall, the DR is ranked 47th of 162 countries. In the Americas, the US, Canada, Panama, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Uruguay ranked higher than the DR.
The higher the ranking, the easier it is to access a high capacity and frequency global maritime freight transport system and thus effectively engage in international trade.
Van der Horst told Listin Diario that the index shows how effectively countries are connected to global shipping networks. He pointed out that the Dominican Republic has greater opportunities for access to import and export freight because it is so well connected.
The official added that the port facilities and costs, together with a location close to major markets and a stable economy have provided the country with this enviable position. He mentioned that the Caucedo Multimodal Port has certainly put the country on the map.
See www.unctad.org (http://www.unctad.org)

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