View Full Version : Subero: everyone to jail now

11-13-2009, 05:20 PM
In the face of widespread criticisms of recent judicial decisions in favor of people accused of crimes, many judges have said that "under no circumstances" would they order any other coercive measures except remand to custody (prison). Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), Jorge Subero Isa, made the comment in a speech during a ceremony marking the Day of the Public Defender.
"This restriction is going to bring about, invariably, an increase in the prison population," he said.
Subero said that the judges whose decisions have been questioned say that they have been covered by the dispositions established in the Penal Process Code. "The information that I have is that some judges have said that in no circumstances now, as a result of the criticisms that have been expressed, are they going to grant provisional freedom on a bail bond or any other measure."
Subero Isa added that they would use a discretional choice that they have and that is to keep the accused in preventive custody. He commented that he respects judges' independence. On the issue of the decision by the judge of the Seventh Court of Instruction of the National District, Rosanna Vasquez who released Sobeida Feliz Morel, who is linked to a major drug trafficking cartel and subsequently absconded, Subero said that he would wait for the report from the Penal Chamber of the SCJ for their assessment of the judge's decision. He said that the judges have said that they have acted within their guidelines.

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