View Full Version : Clinic raid: "just a visit"

11-16-2009, 03:10 PM
National Police chief Rafael Guillermo Guzman Fermin says that the spectacle that took place on Friday night at a private clinic in Santo Domingo was just "a visit to a patient" who happens to be a friend of his and of the head of the National Drug Control Department (DNCD) Rolando Rosado Mateo, and that their visits with their heavily-armed escorts was pure coincidence.
Diario Libre learned that the patient in question is the daughter of the former chief of the Police secret service. Guzman Fermin denied that the incident, during which several police agents were seen covering the hallways of the private medical center and even entering some rooms was part of the search for the fugitive Sobeida Feliz Morel.
Nonetheless, senior executives at the clinic told the press off the record that they believed the agents were looking for Feliz.
On the night of the operation, the watchman, who refused to give his name, told reporters that the DNCD and National Police officers who accompanied Guzman Fermin and Rosado Mateo had arrived without notice, and entered by jumping the gate and throwing him to the ground. A police source said they did so after repeatedly calling out at the door and not getting any answer. The source said that one officer jumped the gate and found the watchman behind the building. But the watchman kept to his version that "they arrived at nearly 10 o'clock unannounced. I was put face down on the ground and they put a foot on my back and they did not ask me for anyone," he told the press.
Several employees of a restaurant opposite the clinic confirmed that the DNCD and police agents jumped over the front wall in order to get into the medical center.
Reporters from several media outlets waited outside the clinic and saw Guzman Fermin and Rosado Mateo leaving at high speed without responding to journalists' questions. The agents, carrying automatic rifles and ski masks arrived in 10 SUVs and several motorcycle escorts, together with members of the elite Lynx assault unit. Also, two civilians who got out of one of the vehicles in the convoy that escorted the police and DNCD chiefs were seen and presumed to be assistant prosecutors. On Sunday, Diario Libre tried to locate the clinic owners for their version of Friday night's events but the center was closed and no medical personnel or watchmen were in sight.
Sobeida Feliz has been sought since 3 November when she missed her assigned registration date at the prosecutor's office as required by her bail agreement.
Colonel Cordero Paredes, public relations officer for the Cibao Central District of the National Police, confirmed that intelligence activities have taken place in Santiago as part of attempts to locate Feliz, as reported in Diario Libre. He said the searches have been extended to clinics and beauty salons in Santiago, on the assumption that the fugitive may want to change her physical appearance.

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