View Full Version : Little sex education

11-18-2009, 04:40 PM
According to Omnicom Media Group's first poll on sexual activity in the DR, 69% of those polled said they received no sex education from their parents but 45% did not receive sex education from either their parents or their school. The poll revealed that 31% of women and 51% of men had sexual relations before the age of 18 and in an interesting statistic, 80% of men say they need sex frequently as opposed to 55% of women. Forty seven percent of men admit to having more than 20 sexual partners or more, while only 10% of women claim to have had as many. The poll also reveals that 73% of men feel the need to know their partner before they have sexual relations with them. This number is much higher with women, of whom 93% say they must know they partner.
The Sexual Behavior 2009 poll was conducted online by the Brand Science division of the Omnicon Media Group.
The results can be seen at http://comportamientosexual.org/

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