View Full Version : Public offices aren't transparent

11-19-2009, 05:20 PM
According to a report by civic group Participacion Ciudadana, 64% of government offices don't publish their payrolls, as is required by Law 200-04 on Free Access to Public Information, as reported in Hoy. The law is a major tool aimed at implementing serious steps toward transparency in the government's financial transactions. As reported, the Central Bank, the Banco de Reservas, National Police, Drug Control Department, National Potable Waters & Aqueducts Institute, the Ministry of Culture and the Superintendence of Insurance are among some of the public institutions that are in violation of Law 200-04.
Samir Chami Isa of Participacion Ciudadana said that 40% of government departments consulted did not have a public information access office, which violates citizens' right to request information on how public funds are being used. Of 85 government departments consulted, only 52 had set up the offices to assist members of the public seeking information on the use of funds.
The 4th survey indicated that 48% of government institutions have failed to publish complete details on their budgetary execution.
Among the worst public institutions in terms of complying with transparency are the Supervisor Office of State Works Projects at the Presidency and the Highway Management Department at the Ministry of Public Works. Neither of these had anyone to respond to inquiries.
Among the most transparent offices are the General Prosecutor Office, the Civil Aviation Department and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.
As reported, the availability of information is even worse in the case of municipal councils.
The US Agency for International Development sponsors the monitoring of the implementation of Law 200-04.

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