View Full Version : DR lacks budgetary transparency

11-26-2009, 04:40 PM
Several national and international organizations have pointed to the fact that the DR is lacking in institutional transparency. A new report by the Analysis and Research Center (FUNDAR) on budgetary transparency in government adds another layer to that.
Hoy reports the DR received a score of 44 points, where budgetary transparency is rated as a minimum 60 points. Costa Rica scored first with 69 points in Latin America. Peru has 54, Panama 50, Brazil 49 and Argentina 48. In Latin America, only Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela scored below the DR in budgetary transparency. Guatemala also scored 44 points.
One of the suggestions of FUNDAR is that the DR needs to become more efficient in disclosing information under the freedom of information act. FUNDAR is also suggesting that the DR should become more efficient at publishing public budgets and payrolls, in a comprehensive manner.
The DR only received a 38% grade in the area of access to public information.
www.iltpweb.org (http://www.iltpweb.org)

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#5)